Agetai Kimochi Read Online


Otona No Manaa

Six months ago a book store manager taught high-school student Minami a lesson about loitering and gave him a job. Since then Minami finds himself slowly falling in love with his strict and sometimes violent manager.

Dragon Heroes - Crow

Deep in endless forests demons and ghosts dwell. Some of them haunt the place, some of them eat random passers-by and some of them plant potatoes…Original webmanga by a Russian author from Tapastic:

The Color Trilogy

In the tradition of 'My Antonia' and 'A Tree Grows in Brooklyn', from the pen of the renowned Korean manwha creator Kim Dong Hwa, comes a trilogy about a girl coming of age, set in the vibrant, beautiful landscape of pastoral Korea. 1. 'The Color of Earth': First love is never easy. Ehwa grows up helping her widowed mother run the local tavern, watching as their customers – both neighbors and strangers – look down on her mother for her single lifestyle. Their social status isolates Ehwa and her mother from the rest of the people in their quiet country village. But as she gets older and sees her mother fall in love again, Ehwa slowly begins to open up to the possibility of love in her life. 2. 'The Color of Water': When Ehwa goes to the town festival, she meets a handsome young wrestler named Duksam who’s eager to catch her eye. After he wins the festival wrestling championship, he and Ehwa begin to meet, sneaking spare moments to be together. But a shadow falls on their romance when Master Cho sends Duksam away and asks for Ehwa’s hand in marriage himself. It is then that Ehwa discovers the pain of heartbreak – and that love is always complicated. 3. 'The Color of Heaven': Love is budding, blooming, and bearing fruit in this triumphant conclusion. The third and final volume sees Ehwa rediscovering love and embarking upon marriage as her mother and the traveling pictographer decide to settle down together.

Agetai Kimochi

from Blissful Sin: 'I want to satisfy my heart and body…!” What does it mean to become a pair of lovers? Confessing love, having sex, does that alone make you lovers? When did the feeling of falling in love become a greedy luxury? A special publication, ��œRising Feelings” and more, in this large compilation full of hard romantic love stories! *********** This volume also features two couples that first appeared in her other work Anbalance Lover. Arisaka x Shirafuji from ch8 here and ch1 in AL. Eiji x Yuusuke from ch2 here and ch7 in AL. Chapter 5's Yano x Inoue are a sequel to Chapter 1 in Body Check

Maou ~ Sou da, Yuusha wo Yome ni shiyou ~

Maou ~ Sou da, Yuusha wo Yome ni shiyou ~ summary: In this world, there existed a demon king. Inside one of the two major nations, the king of the Athena Empire invited a hero to go subjugate the demon king. Sensing the movement of the hero’s party, the demon king got a little angry. Even though I’m diligently managing my country, why do I have to be subjugated? I don’t understand the reasoning. And also I got a question for the Hero and his party. Why is the hero the commander for the Athena royal army? Why didn’t the top bra.s.s come? And also why is everyone, other than the hero, female? is it a harem? – So absurd. And so, the demon king made a decision. If the hero comes, I’m going to hara.s.s the heck out of him – For the gallant hero headed to subjugate the demon king, and the dissatisfied demon king who lied in wait for the hero, soon their fated (love) will begin.

Sketches And Tales Illustrative Of Life In The Backwoods Of New Brunswick

Sketches And Tales Illustrative Of Life In The Backwoods Of New Brunswick summary: Sketches And Tales Illustrative Of Life In The Backwoods Of New Brunswick summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Sketches And Tales Illustrative Of Life In The Backwoods Of New Brunswick. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Miser Farebrother

Miser Farebrother summary: Miser Farebrother summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Miser Farebrother. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Jack the Hunchback

Jack the Hunchback summary: Jack the Hunchback summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Jack the Hunchback. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介:“你是我的宝,谁碰一下,都是抢。”他偏执入骨,所以上辈子陆凤璇不顾一切地逃离,直到临死,她才幡然悔悟。重生后,她抱紧老公的金大腿,一手虐渣一手虐狗两不耽误。敢说她蠢笨、刁蛮、自私又贪婪 ?御爷大手一挥:给我通通扔到海里喂鲨鱼!说她目无尊长,欺压小辈?御爷抱起他家小孩,笑容无比宠溺:“我惯的,谁有意见?”御爷以为他家小孩只是生育能力惊人,直到他心腹不小心扒出她的马甲——妙手回春的国医传人;称霸世界的超级黑客;天赋极佳的天才漫画家;她还是——华国第一权门真千金,上头有九个哥哥,个个都是宠妹狂魔!渣渣们颤抖:夫妻双大佬,惹不起惹不起……1w0-28923 >>




内容简介:国公府老夫人寿宴当天,师菡看着骑在墙头,名动京城的纨绔,吹了个口哨道:“跳下来我抱着你。”那人羞羞答答的跳下来后,师菡却反悔了:“抱都抱了,你要对我负责!”前世渣爹利用,姐妹背叛,渣男 白莲联手折断她的羽翼,将她打入深渊。当年跋扈嚣张,不可一世却偏偏一心痴恋她的纨绔,也因她丢了性命。重活一世,师菡复仇虐渣之余,唯一的乐趣便是:宠着他。1w0-98078 >>


内容简介:作为无限流世界中赫赫有名的凶神,叶迦在通关之后,刻意隐藏实力,在超自然现象管理局的后勤部找了个闲职。他本以为这样就能重新回归咸鱼生活,过上舒舒服服的小日子。但叶迦没想到的是……某天,他 打开冰箱,里面露出半个狰狞的婴灵脑袋,纯黑的三只眼珠定定地凝视着叶迦,发出咯咯咯的清脆笑声:“老大老大,你有没有想我……”叶迦:“……”他“哐”的一声甩上冰箱门,陷入了沉思。所以这个世界是不是有哪里不对劲?背后的电视剧中正在播放新闻:近日灵异事件频繁发生,失踪人口急剧增加,目前正在调查当中……·无限流逃生游戏意外崩塌,无数被困于其中的妖魔鬼怪失去束缚,为祸人间。只有从中通关的叶迦知道真相。这一个个的……全都是老熟人啊……叶迦:我太难了。终于有一天,他见到了这一切的罪魁祸首。沉默两秒之后,叶迦干巴巴地打招呼:“……你也跑出来啦,好巧。”男人面露微笑,慢条斯理地步步逼近:“男朋友离家出走了,我当然要出来捉他回去呀。”叶迦:“……”谁能想到,轰动全球的鬼门大开起源居然是……他的桃花债。不是吧阿sir,这样也行?【】各位书友要是觉得《无限流玩家退休以后》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28911 >>


内容简介:伏玉是南夏的皇帝,当然,名义上是。他没有兵权,也不怎么用上朝,整天跟身边的一个小太监厮混在一起。在某一日例行被行刺被小太监拼死救回一条命后。伏玉感叹:朕一无所有,如若你不是太监,朕一定 以身相许。小太监笑,不置可否。孰料很多年后,这人再出现在伏玉面前,依旧是熟悉的笑,却道:还望陛下一言九鼎,兑现承诺。伪太监攻vs傀儡皇帝受每天中午十二点更新,HE。年下!!!!!另:作者原名涅幽水!新坑开始改名为贺端阳啦!还是你们的可爱幽啦!1w0-82409 >>


内容简介:接到通知后天要入v啦!当天三更掉落,希望小天使们多多支持呀!么么啾!流氓学渣攻vs闷骚学霸受(轻松吐槽风)我一直都知道季朗不要脸,没想到他还很无耻,因为我刷到了他发的帖子【总觉得室友在 诱惑我,他是不是对我有什么想法?】我们两个是合租室友,他室友就是我。【一楼LZ戏多了,感觉你室友菊花要不保二楼楼上加一我回复季朗你他妈把帖子删了楼主郝宇,你又视奸各位书友要是觉得《辣鸡室友总撩我》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-72845 >>

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