Silver Spoon

class:manga Arakawa Hiromu

latest:Vol.15 Chapter 131: Final Chapter. The Story Of Yuugo Hachiken.



After failing to pass the entrance assessment for the high-school he intends to to go to, mild mannered student Yuugo Hachiken moves away from his suburban life-style and registers at Ooezo Agricultural High School - frequently abbreviated as Ezon? - in the country-side. His connection with his family is strained from the beginning of the narrative, which affects his choice to to go to a college far at home. He proceeds to be concerned about his profession on the span of the show. He grows in to an empathetic and compassionate person as he fights to comprehend the universe of farming and the way that it impacts the lives of his pals, and soon finds himself gradually becoming used to his new surroundings despite some initial challenges.

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